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Camco’s transformational impact set out in new report

More than one million first-time connections to electricity is among the standout achievements showcased in Camco’s latest impact report, published today.

Camco’s Impact in 2022 details the climate and impact fund manager’s continued contribution to the clean energy transition and global sustainability objectives. Other highlights include:

  • Camco partnering with Energy Peace Partners to manage the Peace Renewable Energy Credit (P-REC) Aggregation Fund to expand renewable energy investment in fragile states in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Camco and UNIDO during COP27 to support climate-resilient agriculture in Southern Africa

  • Camco being listed in ImpactAssets 50™ database for the first time

The aim of today’s report is to provide an evidence-based review of Camco’s realised impact on people and planet against the Paris Agreement and UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and underlying targets.

It includes a quantitative overview of Camco’s impact since its inception in 1989, with a particular focus on its work and achievements during 2022. With transparency integral to impact disclosure, the report also includes details of the company’s approach to responsible investment, as well as information on its governance structure, investment portfolio and own carbon footprint.

Camco’s Managing Director Geoff Sinclair said: “Camco aspires to become the best climate and impact fund manager in emerging markets and, as our latest report shows, we are making steady inroads towards that objective.

“2022 proved a very exciting 12 months for us as we continued to consolidate and build upon the transformational impact we’ve been achieving through UK government-funded REPP while making significant progress on several other funds managed or in the process of being designed by Camco.

To read the report visit

A PDF version of the report is available to download here.


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