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Spark Energy Services logo

Spark Energy Services (Spark) funds energy efficiency and captive generation projects in Sub-Saharan Africa’s commercial and industrial (C&I) sector.

Who we work with


Spark works with local developers under an asset co-ownership model. We provide them with up to 100% upfront financing for the installation of on-site renewable energy and energy efficiency equipment for C&I businesses.


Spark provides access to a diversified portfolio of clean energy projects across Africa, offering investors attractive returns from a climate-positive investment with a strong, transparent and robustly measured ESG profile.


Through our development partners, Spark offers C&I companies zero up-front cost access to reliable, sustainable energy solutions to meet their energy needs, helping to significantly reduce their monthly power bills and emissions.

Creating positive impact
Spark's 2030 targets*


C&I businesses supported

Achieved to date: 15


tCOe avoided over technology lifetime

Achieved to date: 2,690tCO₂e


reduction in customer cost

Achieved to date: 26%



Achieved to date: 3


MWp operational renewable energy capacity

Achieved to date: 3.3MWp


jobs created

Achieved to date: 59


funding committed

Achieved to date: $3.8m


GWh saved through energy efficiency

Achieved to date: 0.7GWh


jobs created (women)

Achieved to date: 14

* Achieved figures are as of 31 December 2024

Case study carousel

In action: case studies

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Project map (all Spark-financed projects)

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